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ACA 122 - College Transfer Success: Admissions

This course provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic and professional goals beyond the community college experience. The Transfer to a University project information is here.

Test Prep Books Gallery

SAT Prep Plus 2019

Kaplan's SAT Prep Plus 2019 teaches you the ins and outs of the SAT and offers extra study plans, online practice and video lessons to make sure you're ready for Test Day.

Hot Words for the SAT

This helpful book for college-bound students presents and defines more than 365 words that appear most frequently on SAT exams.

Kaplan ACT 2010

Kaplan ACT 2010 Edition: Strategies, Practice, and Reviewoffers a variety of effective self-study options to help students score higher on this important exam. 

Nursing School Entrance Exams

Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams provides an overview of major nursing school entrance assessments, including the TEAS, HESI, PAX-RN, Kaplan, and PSB-RN exams.

Math and Science Prep for the SAT and ACT

THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the math and science sections of the SAT and ACT with 2 books in 1! Includes 500+ practice questions and in-depth topic reviews. Many students these days are taking both the SAT and ACT to improve their chances of college admission. 

E-Books at RCCC

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