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A-Z Databases

Find the best library databases for your research.


Off-Campus Database Use

Off-Campus Database Access

Simply start from the Library website and click on the resource you want and you should be prompted for your credentials when it is needed.

You must log in with your eligible Rowan-Cabarrus network ID.  Students use their Blackboard credentials.  Faculty/Staff use their workstation network credentials.  Forgot your Password?

New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
  • NCLIVE Resource
Alternate Name(s) ebsco explora
The Explora experience for schools and public libraries ensures that students, educators and library patrons can quickly find the reliable information they need to complete homework and research projects, deliver robust school curriculum, achieve their professional goals and satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
  • Open:Free
Alternate Name(s) oxford, oxford online, oxford press, open access
Oxford Academic has curated a collection of open access research eBooks for the general public to use for free.
  • Open:Free
Alternate Name(s) oxford, oxford online, oxford press, open access
Oxford Academic has curated a collection of open access research articles for the general public to use for free.