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APA 7th Edition Guide: Formatting in a Flash

APA Guide

Formatting Introduction

Image of the word format

This workshop covers the most frequently asked questions about Formatting. For more help with formatting, check out the RCCC Tutoring Center.

Google Docs vs. Pages vs. Word (Online or Download)


Microsoft Word Word Online Google Docs Apple Pages
RCCC Students have free downloads of the Office Suite. Up to 5 downloads per student. Can be found through Office 365. See the box below. Free Free Free
Requires a download Requires the Internet. Is accessed through Student email. Saves in the "cloud"   Requires Download, Gmail account, Saved in the "cloud"  Requires a download 
Powerful Hard to Format   Hard to Format Can be formatted 
Instructors can open files Instructors can open files Need to change to PDF  Need to change to PDF 
Compatible on RCCC computers Compatible on RCCC computers Compatible on RCCC computers Not Compatible on MOST RCCC Computers 
Only can be used on computers with the downloaded version  Can be used with your email anywhere with the Internet Used anywhere with Internet Used on Macs  
Can be used even if your Computers upgrades Can be used even if your Computer upgrades  Can be used if your Computer upgrades  Need to have the correct version of the operating system to download

How to Download Word and the Office Suite to Your Computer

Go to your RCCC email. You'll see this in the upper left corner. Click on it.

Screenshot of email with Office365 circled

Then you'll see this screen.

Screenshot of Install Office 365 apps

Font and Alignment

screenshot of home tab with font and size highlighted



Text left aligned

screenshot of center alignment button

Using Templates in Word

screenshot of template choices in Word

screenshot of MLA template in Word

Observation: Most students find that they spend more time tweaking the template to work for them than they do keying in information.

Converting from Google Docs to Word or PDF

File download as PDF on Google Docs

APA Citations - Overview

Author, I. (Date). Title. Container, page#.

Berndt, T. J. (2002). Friendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.

In-text is (Author, date, p. #)

According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners.

APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, p. 199).

MLA Citations - Overview

Contributors' names. "Title of Resource." Name of Container, Publisher, Last edited date.

Russell, Tony, et al. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2 Aug. 2016.

In-text is (Author page#) or if no author (“Title” page#)

(Taylor 55) or (”Price of Freedom Museum”)

MLA 8 Citation for Websites with No Author

“Title of Web Page.” Title of Website, Publisher, Date published in Day Month Year format, URL.

“One Health and Disease: Tick-Borne.” National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 12 June 2018,

Hanging Indents

This is how to format a hanging indent in Google Docs.

Screen shot of hanging indents in Google docs

This is one way to format a hanging indent in Word.

Screen shot of tabs in Word

Here's another way to format a hanging indent in Word.

Screenshot of formatting paragraph in word

Page Break

Window showing where Page Break is under Insert tab

APA7 Sample Papers

Transitions Workshop Survey

Link to the Transitions Workshop Survey