Listed below are several search tips that can be used to retrieve information, e.g., population of a particular country, climate change, car prices, nutrition recipes, etc. By following any of the search tips below, you will be given information that relates to the specific search of choice.
- population United States words are automatically ANDED
- "climate change" use quotes for phrases
- ~ car prices use ~ for synonyms
- nutrition -recipes use - to remove terms; a space before-
- mother-in-law hyphens, equal signs, & apostrophes search as phrases
- Louis +IV use + to included the exact form of the word
- Pakistan or Kashmir use OR to include either word
- define: fort use define: for definitions
- weather: Lima use weather: to find weather conditions
- time: Venice use time: to find local times around the world
- stocks: goog use stocks: to find stock quotes
- movies: 28081 use movies: + zip code or name of movie & zip
- phonebook: use as a phone directory --no cell numbers
- bphonebok: use as a business directory
- 704-376-9876 type in a phone # and get name/address of caller
- Joyce * Oates use the asterisk * to replace a word or an initial
- gas prices 08540 get current gas prices in your neighborhood
Get facts fast:
- "Golden Gate Bridge" is ft long
Travel/Flight tips:
- ewr airport find current conditions at an airport
- "airline seats" link to for plane seats
- Continental 23 get info on your flight-from
Google Currency Converter:
Google Measurement Conversions:
- 5 degrees C in f 5 degrees Celsius = Fahrenheit
- 40 m in k 40 miles = kilometers
- 8 Liters to quarts 8 Liters = ? Quarts
Google Calculator:
For quick arithmetic calculations, use the Google search box. Use +, -, * and ^
- * (multiplication) 88 * 39
- % of (percentage of) 40% of 275