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ENG 242 - British Literature II: Finding Literary Criticism

This course covers selected works in British literature from the Romantic Period to the present. Emphasis is placed on historical background, cultural context, and literary analysis of selected prose, poetry, and drama.

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Databases to Find Literary Criticism

Gale Literature Resource Center

Arts and Humanities and Proquest Central

Infobase eBooks

Poetry for Students - Criticism

Using Literature Database for Literary Criticism

Why Use the Library

  • Credible authors and journals
  • 93 American Literature journals to search (to see a list click here)
  • Subject-specific databases to search
  • Databases of online eBooks containing criticisms

When using the Library, use keywords.

These are the words you type into the search box. Hold multi-word keywords together with quotations. Use AND, OR, or NOT to tell the databases what you want or don't want.

  • "Song of Myself" AND Whitman AND criticism
  • "Tell-Tale Heart" AND Poe AND criticism
  • "Walt Whitman" AND "Song of Myself" AND criticism NOT review

Your Rowan-Cabarrus Librarian

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Laurie Robb
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Instructional Librarian
South Campus, 8am-5pm


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All-in-One Search for Literary Criticism - Not the best option

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