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French: Scavenger Hunt Assignment

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In your course you are completing a scavenger hunt to help you learn about French culture. Here are some resources to help point you in the right direction. 


Books Gallery

France - Culture Smart!

France has experienced considerable upheaval in recent years. The Eurozone crisis, a new socialist president, rioting by an alienated underclass, a ban on the burqa (full veil) in public places, and...

Marie Antoinette's Head

Marie Antoinette has remained atop the popular cultural landscape for centuries for the daring in style and fashion that she brought to 18th century France. For the better part of the queen's reign...

The Columbia history of twentieth-century French thought

The Columbia history of twentieth-century French thought

With more than two hundred entries by leading intellectuals in the French- and English-speaking world, this new volume presents the authoritative guide to twentieth-century French thought. Unrivaled in…

The Sun King

The Sun King

This work takes as its subject Louis XIV at Versailles - from the moment he decided to transform his father's hunting lodge into the greatest palace in Europe to his death there 54 years later. It covers the daily life of the king, the court and the government during the period of France's apogee in military power and artistic achievement.

The Oxford History of the French Revolution Book Cover

The Oxford History of the French Revolution

Since its first publication to mark the bicentenary of the French Revolution in 1989, this Oxford History has established itself as the Revolution's most authoritative and comprehensive one-volume history in English, and has recently been translated into Chinese. Running from the accession of Louis XVI.....

Versailles: A Biography of a Palace

The story of Versailles is one of historical drama, under the last three kings of France's old regime, mixed with the high camp and glamour of the European courts, all in an iconic home for the French arts. The palace itself has been..........

A Brief History of France

France has played a profound role in shaping the world, from the Enlightenment and the French Revolution in the 18th century to colonialism in the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia. renowned for its cultural and political.....