This guide is to help students find resources about the Holocaust.
Early college students should go to questions to find information for the assignment.
The Holocaust by Carla Mooney; Tom Casteel (Illustrator)What would your life be like if you were a Jewish person living in Nazi Germany in 1940? You might be forced to leave your home with only what you and your family could carry. You might even be killed by members of the Nazi party. The Holocaust is a grim period in human history. More than 11 million people, including 6 million Jewish people, died at the hands of the Nazis. In The Holocaust: Racism and Genocide in World War II, readers ages 12 to 15 learn about the long history of anti-Semitism, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, the increasing persecution of Jewish people and other populations, and the events of "The Final Solution," the attempt to exterminate an entire race of people through industrialized death camps. Projects such as writing letters in the voices of teenagers of different races who lived in the 1930s help infuse the content with realism and the eternal capacity for hope. In-depth investigations of primary sources from the period allow readers to engage in further, independent study of the times. Additional materials include links to online primary sources, a glossary, a list of current reference works, and Internet resources. Nomad Press books in the Inquire & Investigate series integrate content with participation, encouraging older readers to engage in student-directed learning as opposed to teacher-guided instruction. This student-centered approach provides readers with the tools they need to become inquiry-based learners. Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, and STEM Education all place project-based learning as key building blocks in education. Combining content with inquiry-based projects stimulates learning and makes it active and alive. Consistent with our other series, all of the activities in the books in the Inquire & Investigate series are hands-on, challenging readers to develop and test their own hypotheses, ask their own questions, and formulate their own solutions. In the process, readers learn how to analyze, evaluate, and present the data they collect. As informational texts our books provide key ideas and details from which readers can work out their own inferences. Nomad's unique approach simultaneously grounds kids in factual knowledge while allowing them the space to be curious, creative, and critical thinkers. Soon they'll be thinking like scientists by questioning things around them and considering new approaches.
Holocaust (PRINT BOOK) by Deborah Dwork; Robert J. Van Pelt"New museums, monuments, and memorials to the Holocaust now punctuate the skylines of many cities and towns throughout the western world. No other historical event commands this attention. No other historical event sits so visibly at the heart of our public, political, and social life."
Call Number: PRINT BOOK D 804.3 .D87 2002, Rowan-Cabarrus North Campus
ISBN: 0393051889
Publication Date: 2002-09-01
The Holocaust (Print Book South) by Laurence ReesThe Holocaust: A New History is an accessible yet authoritative account of this terrible crime. A chronological, intensely readable narrative, this is a compelling exposition of humanity's darkest moment.
Designed for high school and college students, the goal of these volumes is to carefully study genocide throughout world history, to give students a frame of reference on how to understand and comprehend what has happened in our past, and what to be aware of in the future.
For Primary Sources (Speeches, Letters, Laws, Propaganda)
EuroDocsEuroDocs links connect to Western European (mainly primary) historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. They shed light on key historical happenings within the respective countries (and within the broadest sense of political, economic, social and cultural history). The order of documents is chronological whenever possible.
Call Number: PRINT BOOK SOUTH D 804.19 .H55 2006 South
ISBN: 0780809351
Publication Date: 2007-09-12
Assembles 100 primary documents on this pivotal era in world history.
Defining Documents in World History: Genocide and the Holocaust EBOOK by Salem PressDesigned for high school and college students, the goal of these volumes is to carefully study genocide throughout world history, to give students a frame of reference on how to understand and comprehend what has happened in our past, and what to be aware of in the future.
Infobase Modern World HistoryModern World History offers a comprehensive look at world history from the mid-15th century to the present. Thousands of subject entries, biographies, images, videos and slideshows, maps and graphs, primary sources, and timelines combine to provide a detailed and comparative view of the people, places, events, and ideas that have defined modern world history.
Films on DemandFilms On Demand is a state-of-the-art streaming video platform that makes it easier than ever to incorporate outstanding educational programs from Films Media Group into your content management systems, online lesson plans, distance learning courseware, or electronic card catalog system.
ProQuest CentralThis database serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels. Covering more than 160 subjects areas, ProQuest Central is the largest aggregated database of periodical content. This award-winning online reference resource features a highly-respected, diversified mix of content including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, newspapers, reports and videos.