From William J. Zick, this Web site was launched in 2000 as a nonprofit educational venture promoting awareness of African Heritage in Classical Music. It includes links to info about Black History and composers and musicians of African descent. The site also sponsors a blog.
Allmusic can be used to look up an out-of-print recording, to get our take on a new release, or simply to explore the world of music.
ArtsJournal- Provides a "digest of arts and cultural journalism in the English-speaking world, with links to stories in more than 200 free access newspapers, magazines, and publications ... Those eager to keep a finger on the pulse of the arts will find this a valuable resource." M. Nilsen, IU, South Bend
Bachtrack- "An ad-supported UK-based site designed for anyone seeking live classical concerts and opera performances worldwide." A.J. Adam, Blinn College (CHOICE)
Carnegie Hall- Practice, practice, practice.
The Classical Music Navigator- We have compiled information on important classical music composers and their works and arrayed these data in a fashion making it easier for the novice or casual listener to identify additional materials related to the work.
Classical Net- Geared primarily toward collector's of classical recordings, this site is divided into 7 sections: Basic Repertoire List, Classical CD Buying Guide, Recommended Classical CDs, Composer's Works and Data, Reviews and Articles.
Dolmetsch Online Music Dictionary Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is to offer translations of non-English words and phrases.
Library of Congress- Great Conversations in Music from the Library of Congress provides access to films in five categories: Pianists, Composers, Chamber Music, Virtuosos, and Conductors. It also offers info about each participating musician, including external links.
Great Performances- Special features, program companions, multimedia presentations, and more from the long-running and award-winning PBS series Great Performances.
Royal Philharmonic Society- Created in 2008, with the purpose of teaching listeners to listen more closely to music. Each month, the site explores a different aspect of listening, using key works of music to illustrate by example and for the basis of discussion. (T. Schime, from CHOICE review.)
Performing Arts Encyclopedia- The digital arts collection of the Library of Congress.
MusRef. This attractive, welcoming site collects a wide range of music and dance reference tools in one place. The core of the site is an extensive list of traditional reference tools of these types, including some 7,400 entries for bibliographies, discographies, specialized dictionaries, catalogs, and other indexes. The listings also include many Internet resources, e.g., composer websites, portals for particular subjects, and musical instrument online collections.
National Jukebox- The Library of Congress developed this site to provide access to historical sound recordings. The recordings digitized for the project are from labels owned by Sony Entertainment, which has granted the Library a limited no-cost license to use the materials. At present, the collection consists of approximately 10,000 Victor label recordings produced between 1901 and 1925, including repertoire from popular, folk, and operatic idioms.
New Music USA- "New Music USA serves as a portal to invaluable resources that it produces for contemporary musicians and composers as well as their audiences. Overall, it is easy to navigate, well organized, and visually appealing in its simplicity. Highlighted under the section for media are NewMusicBox and Meet the Composer Studio. NewMusicBox, a multimedia publication, offers Counterstream, a streaming radio site for American music; and Online Library, a comprehensive database of works by living American composers." (M. O'Brien, Binghamton University for CHOICE)
NPR Music- The site includes concerts, interviews, news, profiles, reviews, and studio sessions covering various genres of music. A link under "Discover Songs" allows users to identify and listen to music used between stories on NPR.
Online Books Page: Music. A list of links to electronic full-text books relating to music (browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers: "M3" to "M1503 .S8 T5").
Oriscus- Commercial site providing practical information relating to buying and selling instruments. Also, lists sources to aid in researching musical instruments.
Perfoming Arts in America 1875-1923- The New York Public Library's performing arts collection online.
OnMusic Dictionary- Allows users to click on a note on the keyboard and hear the pitch!