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A-to-Z List | Remote Access

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Find Your Topic

Before you start searching for sources, you need a clearer idea of what you want to find. Here's how:

  1. The table below is the TOPIC brainstorm. Under a column list words related to the category about your topic. Include relevant synonyms.
  2. Circle ideas that work well together. Do this multiple times to create different research topic choices.
  3. Choose one of the research topic choices to find sources for.
  4. See an example.

Here is a worksheet you can print.



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Research Guides

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Find the best resources for your research projects and save time.

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Information about Library Services During Covid-19 Event

We are still here for you!

Library Services on Campus are closed during the Covid-19 Event (this includes printing, computer usage, book checkout, and inter-library loans). For more information about Library Closings click here.

However, you can still receive reference help by using our Ask-A-Librarian webchat or emailing one of our Librarians. Tutoring is also completely online with a direct link in Blackboard. For technology help, see our schedule for Virtual Technology Chats, and stay tuned for Library Instruction Workshops coming soon.

Today's Hours



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Laurie Robb
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Instructional Librarian
South Campus, 8am-5pm