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Shakespeare and the Renaissance: Life During Shakespeare's Time

Research guide to help students find information about Shakespeare's works and life.

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Daily LIfe Through History

New* from the Rowan-Cabarrus Library.

Click on the database link above and then scroll down to Elizabethan England (under the Emergence of Modern Europe, 1500-1700). You will be prompted to enter your Rowan-Cabarrus Blackboard information (lastname.i.5digits and Password).

Image from Elizabethan England from Daily LifeChoose from the Table of Contents on the left. Also check the Resources at the bottom of the list. MLA Citations are included.


How to Read and Understand Shakespeare

Video Series: How to Read and Understand Shakespeare - 24 Films in the Series

Shakespeare's plays are masterworks, but they can be hard to understand for a modern English speaker. Gain direct insight into Shakespeare's writing in this course which explains how to enter Shakespeare's world, how to grasp what's happening in his plays, and how to enjoy each play on both the page and the stage.


Proquest Guided Research Elizabethan Era

Logo for proquest elizabethan era

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I, also known as The Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess, was born September 7, 1533 and died March 24, 1603. She was the queen of England from 1558 to 1603 during a period of time often called the Elizabethan Age.

William Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago during a period of English history known as The Elizabethan Age, named after Queen Elizabeth I. Queen Elizabeth recognized how important the arts and theater were to her nation, creating a golden age of creativity. Although the rich and powerful people of the nobility often lived extravagant lives, they only made up a small percentage of the population. The vast majority of people during the Elizabethan age was quite poor and uneducated. Because many were uneducated, most of the information we have about daily life during this time comes from records kept by the educated nobility. However, most people spent their lives working hard for a meager living.

