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Terrorism: Research Process

A guide to help RCCC students find terrorism related resources & topics

Research Tutorial

The Research Tutorial is your key to research success!

RCCC's Library research tutorial introduces students to college level research.  How to find and evaluate the kinds of sources your instructors want you to use in college and save time doing it!   The tutorial is a series of guides listed below that you must read to get the answers for the quiz.


Home Topic Search Books Google Images Basic Advanced eBooks Evaluate Scholarly Primary Sources Citations Plagiarism Media Research Help Quiz

What will I learn?

After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Develop a research question or problem statement that isn't too broad or too narrow
  • Identify scholarly journals and select the best information resources to answer your research question
  • Construct search strategies using keywords, connectors, quotation marks and more
  • Refine search results by resource type, publication date, and more
  • Find full text journal articles and request articles and books; and
  • Understand plagiarism and use APA & MLA style


Becoming a research expert doesn't happen overnight...

Just like any other skill set, it takes time and practice. The more research you do, the more comfortable you'll become with searching, selecting, and evaluating information. The tutorial will get you started with becoming a research expert.

Distance Education Students

If you are taking your class through Blackboard, your instructor has provided instructions and requirements within your Blackboard class on how to provide proof of completion of the research tutorial quiz.