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ENG 112 - Writing/Research in the Disc: Fox - Opioid Assignment

This course, the second in a series of two, introduces research techniques, documentation styles, and writing strategies. Emphasis is placed on analyzing information and ideas and incorporating research findings into documented writing and research projec

Kanopy Movie

In this follow-up to his film BIGGER FASTER STRONGER, director Chris Bell turns his camera on the abuse of prescription drugs and, ultimately, himself. As Bell learns more about Big Pharma, an industry he had been brought up to trust, he falls down his own hole of addiction.

Keywords and Sample Searches

"prescription painkillers" 

"opioid abuse" AND athletes

"opioid abuse" AND "professional athletes"

"prescription medications" AND abuse

athletes AND opioids

"addictive personality" AND opioids

"opioid abuse" AND anxiety

"opiates" AND heroin

FDA AND "Prescription medicine"


"pain clinics" 

"culture of addiction"

"war on drugs"

Prison and "drug crimes"

"suicidal ideation" AND prescriptions

"pharmaceutical companies" AND government AND influence OR money

Oxycontin AND abuse

pharmacists AND "opioid crisis"

ADHD AND medications

"pain medications" AND addiction






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