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Integration: Tutorials


Directions how to embed or share content.

This option will embed the tutorial inside the Blackboard experience.

  1. Go to your Blackboard Class.
  2. Select Content in the Course Menu.
  3. Make sure Edit Mode is on.
  4. Click the Build Content dropdown menu and select Niche Academy.
  5. Scroll through the options and click the Select Button for the tutorial you want to add.
  6. And the tutorial will appear on the Content page.
  7. Tutorials with quizzes at the end will automatically be integrated into the Bb course's grade book. 
    1. Academy Niche will not create a column for the quiz in the grade book until at least one person has taken the quiz.
    2. The grade for the first quiz attempt will be auto-filled in the grade center for that student. Subsequent attempts will not update the 1st grade in the grade book. You may verify subsequent attempts by checking the grade history.

Checking the Grade History for a Tutorial in Bb Grade Center

Getting Grades

  1. Explore the available content below. When you select a Library tutorial, you'll see the link to the tutorial
  2. Open your Blackboard course and navigate to the Course Content section. Select the course module where you want to link the Library tutorial.
  3. Select Build Content > Web Link.
  4. Give a name to the link. We recommend using the same name as the content you're embedding (e.g., Library Tutorial: APA Citations).
  5. Paste the Library Tutorial link into the URL field.
  6. Leave the box "This link is to a Tool Provider" unchecked.
  7. Click "Submit."

This procedure will create a link that will take the student to the tutorial outside of the Blackboard experience. This option will not integrate quiz results into the Bb Grade Center.

Embedded Tutorial

The quizzes are now built into the Tutorial modules. If a tutorial has a quiz, the quiz grade is automatically inserted into the Bb grade book after the student takes the quiz.

Two Things to Note:

  1. Academy Niche will not create a column for the quiz in the grade book until at least one person has taken the quiz.
  2. The grade for the first quiz attempt will be auto-filled in the grade center for that student. Subsequent attempts will not update the 1st grade in the grade book. You may verify subsequent attempts by checking the grade history.

Link to Tutorial

If you insert a tutorial link, the student can complete the tutorial and quiz. However, the quiz grading is only recorded in the Niche Academy database and not automatically inserted into the course's grade book.

Students will need to register for a free Library Niche account. This will allow them to take the quiz and record their results. However, the Library will have to send you a learner report with your student's grades. If you are interested in this option, then please get in touch with Laurie Robb.

New for 2022

Library Niche Logo - no critical content


Library Research Modules

The Library has created the following interactive modules for inclusion in your BlackBoard Course. They also include quizzes that can be imported into your BlackBoard class and grade book.


  1. Virtual Library Tour
  2. Getting Started with Research
  3. Sources of Information
  4. Finding Library eResources
  5. Evaluating Sources and Media Literacy
  6. Plagiarism and Integrating Sources
  7. MLA
  8. APA

For more tutorials, visit Rowan-Cabarrus's complete Niche Academy.

Virtual Library Tour Tutorial

Virtual Tour Tutorial


Getting Started with Research

Finding a Topic, Boolean Searching, and Finding a Book Tutorial


Sources of Information

Identifying Sources Tutorial


Finding Library eResources (Articles, Films, eBooks)

Finding Library eResources Tutorial


Evaluating Sources and Media Literacy

Media Literacy Tutorial


Plagiarism and Integrating Sources

Plagiarism/Integrating Sources Tutorial


APA Tutorial

APA Tutorial


MLA Tutorial

MLA Tutorial


AI Tutorial

AI Tutorial