Please also note that in PubMed they show the AMA Approved Abbreviations for journal names instead of the full journal name sometimes. Make sure you are using the full journal name.
1. Select a specific sub-topic that relates to the general Health Promotion group project subject area to which you have been assigned.
Topic selected: _____________________________
2. Access 2 United States articles from professional journals about your topic using PubMed. Each article should be from a different year and journal, within the last 5 years. Below these instructions, cite each article in exact APA 7th ed format. Create a hyperlink to each article below the citation. You will also include the doi. Make sure that you double check your hyperlinks and doi. If you can’t pull them up, your instructor or students can’t either. (Refer to the grading rubric)
3. Access 2 United States articles from professional journals about your topic using ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. Each article should be from a different year and journal, within the last 5 years. Below these instructions, cite each article in exact APA 7th ed format. Create a hyperlink to each article below the citation. You will also include the doi. Make sure that you double check your hyperlinks and doi. If you can’t pull them up, your instructor or students can’t either. (Refer to the grading rubric)
4. Access 2 United States articles from professional journals about your topic using ProQuest Health & Medical Collection. Each article should be from a different year or journal, within the last 5 years. Below these instructions, cite each article in APA 7th ed format. Create a hyperlink to each article below the citation. You will also include the doi. Make sure that you double check your hyperlinks and doi. If you can’t pull them up, your instructor can’t either. (Refer to the grading rubric)
5. Compare the 3 sources: (worst) 1 2 3 4 5 (best)
A. Ease of Access (Highlight your answer)
1. PubMed 1 2 3 4 5
2. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source 1 2 3 4 5
3. ProQuest Health & Medical Complete 1 2 3 4 5
B. Level of satisfaction with information available (Highlight your answer)
1. PubMed 1 2 3 4 5
2. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source 1 2 3 4 5
3. ProQuest Health & Medical Complete 1 2 3 4 5
C. What did you LIKE about:
1. PubMed
2. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
3. ProQuest Health & Medical Complete
D. What did you DISLIKE about:
1. PubMed
2. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
3. ProQuest Health & Medical Complete
6. List 2 United States Nursing Journals available by online subscription through the RCCC library.
Youtube video for formatting technique.
***Please note that not all PubMed articles have citations****
If PubMed does not have the citation for an article you can create it yourself. There is an entire page dedicated to APA 7 formatting here on the nursing guide.
This is an example of a journal article with a doi cited in APA 7
Note that you can filter the results with the tools on the left. Here full text and last 5 years are highlighted.
All ProQuest Databases including Nursing & Allied Health have a cite button on its articles that will give you an APA 7 citation. Please do not copy and paste these citations into your assignment without checking them first. For example this citation is missing the e-Locator number and some of the punctuation from it. Always double check your citations!
Note that you can filter the results with the tools on the left. Here full text and Enter date range (so you can filter to last 5 years) are highlighted in yellow.
All ProQuest Databases including Health & Medical Collection have a cite button on its articles that will give you an APA 7 citation. Please do not copy and paste these citations into your assignment without checking them first. For example this citation is missing the e-Locator number and some of the punctuation from it. Always double check your citations!
Hi, this is Laurie.
If you have any questions regarding research or citations, please email me at
The NCRC library holds digital copies of journals supporting the nursing programs. Currently we have NO print journals for nursing at any campus.
Click here to see the nursing journals available through the RCCC databases.
When first accessing Rowan-Cabarrus' resources you will prompted to enter your Blackboard login at a screen like this. Only enter your Blackboard login and password (NOT If you need further assistance, please go to our Remote Access help page.
Use keywords to find articles.