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Artificial Intelligence: Web Resources

This guide provides academic resources for research about artificial intelligence.

Evaluating Websites

Learn to employ a series of techniques and questions to determine if a website is to be trusted or not.

Google AI

Google AI is a research division at Google dedicated to advancing the state of the art in AI. Their website provides a wealth of resources, including research papers, blog posts, datasets, and code.


DeepAI is a platform that provides various AI tools and services. It includes image recognition, text generation, style transfer, and more. You can also explore their AI models and APIs.


AI Hub

AI Hub is a platform for discovering and sharing AI resources developed by Google and the community. It includes a variety of AI models, tools, and datasets that you can use to explore AI and build your own AI applications.

Stanford CS231n

Stanford CS231n is a popular online course on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for visual recognition. The course website provides lecture videos, slides, and homework assignments.