When searching for topics terms with more than one word remember to use quotes
"Antisocial Personality Disorders" "Bipolar Disorder" "Borderline Personality Disorders"
"Conduct Disorders" "Criminal Behavior" "Genetic Aspects" "Criminal Psychology"
"Drug Abuse" "Dual Diagnosis" "Hate Crimes" "Mandatory Minimum Sentencing"
"Mass Incarceration" "Mental Illness" Narcissism "Neurobehavioral disorders"
"Personality Disorders" Phobias "Prison Overcrowding" Psychology - Pathological
Psychopaths Psychotherapy "Rehabilitation in Prison" Schizophrenia
"Sexual Disorders"
Using AND, OR & NOT
("Lethal Injection" OR "Electric Chair") AND "Death Penalty" NOT Women
(Prostitution OR "Sex workers") AND "Sex trafficking" NOT brothels
Finding Search Terms using the Library of Congress Subject Headings - they're like hashtags for the databases!
Research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends.
Scholarly articles are articles that appear in refereed journals. These are publications whose articles are peer-reviewed prior to publication. This means that scholars in a particular subject area reviews the article before it is published and based on standard criteria, they deem it acceptable for publication, they ask for revisions, or they reject the publication.