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Faculty Development Research Guide: Online Learning

Resources for faculty for pedagogy and classroom resources.


Online Learning

Quality Matters (QM):

Applying the QM Rubric - Credly

Quality Matter's Process for Faculty (Dr. Jenny Billings)

Quality Matters (QM)

QM Higher Education Rubric (QM)


Online Learning: Faculty to Faculty Advice:


Films on Demand Series about Online Education

Teaching online master class

Use TOMS, the Teaching Online Master Class, to find 61 videos about pedagogy, inclusive classrooms, engaging students and more. This series is from 2020. 

The Teaching Online Masterclass Series 2 includes 20 short videos about pedagogy. This series is from 2021.

Regular and Substantive Interaction

Regular and Substantive Interaction:

RSI Dashboard illustration

RSI Dashboard Illustration*

Regular and Substantive Interaction (SUNY)

Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in Distance Learning (UTRGV)

Books about Online Learning

The Online Teaching Survival Guide
Visual design for online learning
small teaching online
Teaching in the Online Classroom

Education Journals

Link to education journals