The biggest challenge to making online and blended classes inclusive is understanding your students, understanding the technology and how that fits into an effective pedagogical framework.
In the decades since it was first introduced, Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences (MI) theory has transformed how people think about learning the world over.
With specific learning difficulties more prevalent than ever in mainstream schools, this is the essential guide for teachers wishing to create inclusive and successful learning environments in diverse classrooms.
An authoritative contribution to the field, this work charts a new path to effective interventions and sets an agenda for future research Addresses disabilities from an international perspective
This is an important resource guide that hits discrimination in America past and present head on, offering easy to navigate content with key links to organizations, local and national support groups and government agencies to help readers identify, report and manage discrimination in personal, professional and academic settings.
We know why diversity is important, but how do we drive real change at work? Diversity and inclusion expert Jennifer Brown provides a step-by-step guide for the personal and emotional journey we must undertake to create an inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.
The ugly truth about diversity is that some people worry they must give up their power for others to have a chance. La'Wana Harris's Inclusion Coaching method helps people realize that sharing power isn't the same as losing it.