This guide provides links to some of our key occupational therapy resources as well as a selection of occupational therapy news. Please explore the tabs at the top of this guide and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Preparing for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Board Exam: 45 Days and Counting provides a comprehensive overview for occupational therapy assistant students preparing to take the Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) exam.
As the profession of occupational therapy continues to mature and expand its practice, the measurement of occupational performance is one of the key avenues that all practicing clinicians will need to explore and master. Measuring Occupational Performance: Supporting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy, Third Edition summarizes the measurement tools needed to assess client occupational performance, to provide the best intervention, and to document the effectiveness of that intervention.
Therapists, students and educators will find this easy to read text a useful tool in guiding clinical approaches to therapy. Accompanied by theoretical papers by Dr. Estelle Breines and colleagues previously published in refereed international journals, these stories will aid the reader in understanding principles of active occupation that guide practice and shed light on how these ideas can be applied to the education of therapists.
Pedretti''s Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction, 8th Edition prepares you for occupational therapy practice with adults who have physical disabilities. This cornerstone text provides a foundation for the development of clinical reasoning skills in a comprehensive, case-based learning approach to physical dysfunction.
Put theory and research into practice for real-world success. Here's your introduction to the use of theory, research, and evidence in guiding your practice as an occupational therapy manager. From leadership and supervision to policies, program development, and continuous quality improvement, you'll find complete coverage of the full range of issues and functions managers encounter in the real worlds in which they practice.
Occupational Therapy and Neurological Conditions incorporates theoretical, clinical and research evidence to support occupational therapists in the management of people with neurological conditions.
eBook Collections
Some of our eBook collections will allow you to check out an eBook for use on your mobile device (such as a Kindle) while others will allow online viewing only.
Bloomsbury Collections Collection of ebooks covering history and literary criticism. Includes a large collection of American slave narratives.
Credo ReferenceA premier virtual reference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files, and videos in a wide expanse of subject areas.
eBook CentralScholarly titles supporting student and faculty research, and general nonfiction on topics such as school & studying, career development, arts & leisure, and practical life skills.
eBooks on EBSCOhostOver 26,000 fiction, reference, scholarly, and professional books online.
HomeGrown eBooksA collection of more than 3,200 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry.
Open LibraryA downloadable eBook collection with books contributed from libraries across the country. Create a username and password to borrow up to five books at a time.
OverdriveDownloadable popular fiction and non-fiction e-books and audio books for your reading and listening pleasure.
Features discussion and analysis of poems of all time periods, nations, and cultures. Provides an overview of the poem and discussion of its principal themes, images, form and construction.
R2 Digital LibraryThe R2 Digital Library is a market-leading eBook platform for health science collections featuring a comprehensive collection of medical, nursing and allied health eBooks presented through a clean and intuitive interface.
Salem Press eBooksCollection of eBooks in Literature, Careers, History, Immigration, and Primary Sources.