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ESL-English as a Second Language: Find Library Materials

Free ESL classes are for adults whose native language is not English. Instruction is offered in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Courses are provided on campus, in the community and in workplace settings.

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Highlighted Books

Below are some helpful books that you can find on our shelves in the library.

How are the books arranged?

picture of a call number label on a book and the same number on a computer screenEach book is assigned a call number.  This is like a serial number.  Only one book will have that number.  All of the books are arranged in alphabetical order by these call numbers.  The call numbers are on the spine.  We use a system called the Library of Congress to create the call numbers on the spine.

ESL Books in the Library

ESL Level graph

The RCCC library has books for students at all levels of ESL courses at RCCC.  Use the links on the right to find books at the level you need.

Not sure if a book is right for you? 

Type in the ISBN, Title or Author of the book and see what the Lexile is for that book and compare it to the chart above.

Do you have a Library Card?

All you need is your RCCC ID

to borrow books from the library! 

Do you have a student ID Card from RCCC?  If so, you can use it to borrow books from the library. 

Just bring your student ID card to the Library when you come and the library staff will be happy to set up a library account for you!