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ACA 122 - College Transfer Success: Welcome

This course provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic and professional goals beyond the community college experience. The Transfer to a University project information is here.


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Welcome to the ACA Research Guide. The Library is here to help you with all steps of your research from picking an academic topic to putting the finishing touches on your work. Email, chat, call, or visit your Library at North, South, or NCRC for personalized help. As a student, you also have free printing, copying, and scanning in the Library. 

To find out more about the Library, visit the Library's Main Page. 

peoplereadingLove to read? Check out our Literary Beacon guide to help you find all the leisure reading materials that our Library offers!

Books at RCCC

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Kirstie: College Dropout or College Grad?

At 17, Kirstie snoozed her way through school and fears she will be left behind as friends go off to college. She wants to do a job she loves, so she now must find her purpose and the drive to pursue it.

College: How Necessary Is It?

Statistics indicate that the average American holds seven different jobs in his or her life. Joe Monday believes students should keep their options open and choose a career based on interests, values, skills, lifestyle, and overall personality.

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