What is the Library Assessment Plan?
The Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Library's Assessment Plan is a comprehensive plan outlining the purpose, framework, resources, timeline, and outcome of assessments of the library's resources and services. The assessments are aligned with the mission and goals of both the library and the college.
Below are common purposes of assessment.
Through continuous assessment, the scope of the Rowan-Cabarrus Library's assessment plan is to monitor and improve services, manage library collections, identify trends in user's needs and respond appropriately, and make a positive impact on student success in the areas of Access Services, Collection Management, Outreach and Engagement, Resources and Services, Space, and Staff.
Library Mission
The Library at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College supports the mission of the college by being an active and vibrant partner in the learning experience; preparing information-literate citizens to compete and succeed in a 21st century workplace.
Library Goals and Objectives
Knowledge Sharing – To preserve and provide access to knowledge created in and by the college.
Accessible and Inclusive Learning Spaces – To provide accessible and inclusive learning spaces.
Academic Support – To support a culture of learning by providing appropriate resources and services.
Awareness and Advocacy – To create opportunities to collaborate, inform, and support Library stakeholders.