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Library Assessment: Staff

Rowan-Cabarrus Library's Comprehensive Assessment Plan

Staff Banner

For internal use only - not to be used as part of the Satisfaction Survey.

In an effort to improve job satisfaction, this survey is used to gain valuable feedback from the library staff regarding library operations and management. 

Library Staff Feedback 

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5

1 – Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neutral

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree

  1. My work is meaningful, and I feel valued as an employee.
  2. I am given the autonomy to decide how best to do my work without being micromanaged.
  3. I am provided adequate training and resources to perform my job duties.
  4. I am encouraged to utilize my personal talents in my current role.
  5. I am motivated to do my best on the job.
  6. My workload is appropriate and manageable.
  7. My overall perception of library staff morale is good.
  8. I feel comfortable sharing my ideas and concerns with my supervisor.
  9. My colleagues work as a team.
  10. I am often asked for my input on decisions affecting the library.
  11. Policies, procedures, and operational guidelines are applied equally from one library campus to another without exception or favoritism.
  12. The workload is distributed evenly among the team.
  13. All staff meetings and trainings are necessary and provide valuable information.
  14. Important library information and news is communicated to all library staff in a timely manner.
  15. I am likely to look for another job in the next year.
  16. Overall, I am satisfied with my job.
  17. Employees have equal opportunity to work from home when there is a legitimate reason and work can be completed from home.  
  18. Salaried employees and full-time hourly employees all follow the proper absence request process, submitting time when absent and/or excessively late.

Open-Ended Questions

  1. What causes you stress on the job?
  2. How often do you face work-life balance challenges? How does your supervisor /director support you?
  3. What is one thing you wish you could change about your job (besides a raise)?

Professional Staff Assessment

In addition to the annual satisfaction survey, librarians are assessed using the reference and instruction surveys to ensure quality and consistent service. 

Instruction Survey

Students are asked to complete the instruction survey at the end of each session. Faculty are asked to complete one survey per semester.

Reference Survey

This survey is used to assess reference transactions via email, in-person, Blackboard, chat, or telephone.

Reference Followup Survey

This survey is sent to patrons 7 days after providing reference service via chat, email, in-person, telephone or Blackboard.

Staff Professional Development

All full-time staff are required to obtain 30 hours of professional development in a related field annually. 

All part-time staff are required to obtain 5 hours of professional development in a related field annually. 

Staff Directory

College Annual Review

The college requires annual performance reviews to help employees and supervisors evaluate performance and determine how successful employees were at meeting their goals. The process provides an opportunity for self-reflection, feedback, and discussion between employee and supervisor. Goals and expectations for the coming year are set at a meeting between employee and supervisor. 

Annual Satisfaction Survey (IE)