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Library Assessment: Reference & Instruction

Rowan-Cabarrus Library's Comprehensive Assessment Plan

Reference & Instruction

Reference and Instruction Services include the following.

  • Reference, including Chat Reference
  • Instruction Classes
  • Embedded Librarians
  • Workshops
  • Tutorials

The annual satisfaction survey, reference surveys, and instruction surveys are all used to assess these areas. 

Survey Quesitons

Survey questions from the library satisfaction survey used to assess reference and instruction services. 

1. I learned something valuable in a library instruction class or a one-on-one interaction with a librarian. 
2. I can apply what I learned from an instruction class or a reference transaction. 
3. I am more aware of library resources and services following an instruction class or reference interaction. 
4. I am satisfied with the service provided by the librarian. 


Reference Surveys

Library Instruction Surveys

Annual Satisfaction Survey (IE)