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Archive Services: Home

Archive Services ensures that materials with historical or enduring value are available for research and reference. We collect materials that document the history, organization, policies, operations, mission, goals, and experiences of the college community.

The department also provides a Repository for storage of inactive documents that haven't met their retention requirements. 

Please keep the Archives in mind when distributing announcements, programs, invitations, posters, meeting minutes, and even memorabilia. Send a copy or two to the Archives!  We'd love to enhance our collections and fully document the history of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. 



Permanent storage for historical materials


Types of material we collect include:

  • College publications - course catalogs, bulletins, handbooks, promotional material, annual reports, newsletters, yearbooks, news releases
  • Records - reports, minutes, correspondence, memoranda, policies, and others marked for permanent retention in the retention schedule
  • Memorabilia - flyers, event programs, advertisements, maps
  • Realia - "real-world" items, objects of historical significance
  • Visual material - photographs, negatives, slides, VHS tapes, DVDs, film reels, etc.


Interested in donating to the archives? Click here to find out more.


Accessing the Material

  • The Archive is open to research by RCCC and community at large during the North Campus Library's opening hours
  • Confidential information is redacted or removed before records are made available for research
  • Archival material cannot be checked out or removed from the library
  • Donors transfer ownership of items to the archives
  • Items are organized and inventoried by archives staff


Click here to learn about researching in the archives.
Ideas for using archival material in instruction are available here.
Inventories of all of our processed collection are also available online.


Disposing of Archival Material

  • Items transferred to the Archive are intended for permanent storage
  • Duplicates, items with preservation issues (for example, mold), and items outside of our collection parameters may be deaccessioned
  • Donors may choose whether deaccessioned items will be returned or disposed of



Temporary storage for inactive records


Material eligible for storage in the repository includes:

  • Records required by the retention schedule to be kept for a specific number of years

For example, instructor's attendance lists should be kept for 3 years and then destroyed.

  • Records required to be kept by departmental accreditation agencies

For example, the NC Board of Cosmetic Arts requires some records to be kept for 5 years.

  • Inactive departmental records needing to be stored for a specific period of time


Interested in storing material in the repository? Click here to find more information.


Accessing Repository Records

  • Requests for access are referred to the depositor
  • Items can be removed temporarily or permanently by the depositor or their designees
  • Depositor still owns the records
  • Items are left in their original order and an inventory is provided by the depositor


Find inventories of repository collections online here.
Requests for access will be referred to the department.



Disposing of Repository Records

  • Depositor determines the ultimate disposition of items in coordination with the retention schedule
  • Disposition plans will be discussed when materials are deposited
  • When no longer needed, these items will be transferred to the Archives for permanent storage, destroyed, or returned to the department for final disposition

Items we can't accept

Due to privacy laws, neither the Archive nor Repository can collect education records (especially grades), or personnel records. 
Items taken in must be related to RCCC. Items relating to general North Carolina or Rowan or Cabarrus County history are not typically accepted, but archives staff can assist you in finding a home for these materials.
Items that pose a risk to existing collections, such as items with active mold, cannot be accepted.


Policies for the Archive and Repository are guided by RCCC's Archive Services procedure and the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule for Colleges in the North Carolina Community College System